Buying a home is a major expense. Many people save for years to have enough money to afford a down payment. People exhaust their savings when putting together a down payment and covering the costs of moving into a home. For many new home buyers, their first year after...
Real Estate
What issues might prevent a residential closing from occurring?
Acquiring residential real estate is a very lengthy process. First-time home buyers often experience weeks of legal limbo that can be anxiety-inducing and frustrating. A relatively low level of housing inventory may force aspiring buyers to spend weeks or months...
Why do you need an attorney for a real estate closing?
Mortgage lenders are highly motivated to protect their investment, so many (or most) will require an attorney’s involvement during your real estate closing. This isn’t done to make the process harder or more costly. It’s designed to protect all the parties involved...
Should you use contingency clauses?
If you’re looking to buy a house, it starts with making an offer. This is a contract, but it doesn’t have to be accepted by the seller and it doesn’t necessarily have to be binding for you. You’re just communicating what you would offer and letting the seller weigh...
What happens during a real estate closing?
As a homebuyer, you may be wondering what happens during a real estate closing and why you’ll need to have an attorney present. At a closing, you’ll be signing legal documents to transfer a home into your name. You will sign your mortgage loan and pay your closing...
Closing attorneys can be a welcome home requirement
You’re getting ready to buy your first home, and you’ve just learned that you need to deal with a closing attorney. You’re already dealing with a lot of people, but adding one more the mix can help you get a handle on all the others. Closing attorneys are usually...